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Cloud Projects

Over the years I have worked on two world spanning full stack apps deployed on the cloud. One is AIVA the educational tool, and the other is an in-house tool used by Neuro Insight's offices across the world.

Both apps were built on a node.js/typescript backend hosted in Azure coupled with a typescript frontend.

Neuro Insight was my first experience in cloud app software after working in games. For Neuro Insight I worked on UI front-end code as well as porting existing analytical code from Haskal to run on a node service in Azure.

AIVA I built from the ground up, creating the initial prototype, and progressing to working on and then leading the team developing the app. During this time I got to work work on a diverse range of features such as recording and playing back biometrics and video, a node-based graph (viewer and editor), an expansive plugin API and secure login using Microsoft and Google accounts as well as other recognised vendors.

For AIVA I have setup and been responsible for the MongoDB database, Azure Deployments, CI/CD pipelines, cloud storage, media server, ssl authentication, etc. I also trained new employees on these systems.

Additionally I have also overseen or implemented the creation of mutliple tools designed to work along side both cloud systems through secure socket connections accross many different languages.

UE4 Projects and Clients



Universe Engine

Universe Engine

Virtual Dementia Experience

Virtual Dementia Experience
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