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Virtual Range Safety Training

Made in collaboration with Hunter Agile, ARES is a virtual firing range designed to allow defence soldiers to brush up on their firearm safety skills when firearms are unavailable.

ARES is a virtual shooting range designed for defence personnel to be able to practice their firearm safety in environments where real guns are prohibited (for example when at sea). Opaque partnered with Hunter Agile to deveop this realistic training simulation that works with one-to-one metal gun models outfitted with sensors and force feedback devices in order to replicate the feeling of using a real gun.

The application integrates with the automated assessment software AIVA to deliver real-time feedback to users about their progress within the app as well as what safety rules they haven't sufficiently demonstrated yet. Combined with the numerous sensors on the guns AIVA is able to identify numerous safety concerns including whether or not a person has their finger on the trigger at inappropriate times, whether or not they're looking down the sights when aiming or even if they put down the gun with too much force or from too high up.

This application uses the AIVA UE4 integration plugin I wrote, which I updated with extra features for ARES. Additionally I wrote a plugin for UE4 to read the gun's sensor data via a COM port. Finally I also worked with the designers to help them debug the gameplay and gun control code as well as giving them instruction on various math concepts in order to help them see their vision through.

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