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Earthlight: Demo

A short VR and Kinect experience of what it's like to be an astronaut on the international space station that was displayed at several events.

Earthlight: Demo debuted at GDC 2014 as one of the earliest VR experiences available at a GDC booth. It ran using an early developer vive headset and a Kinect (the XBox accessory) for capturing player hand movement, allowing the player to reach out and grab handles with their hands. The demo was displayed at multiple events and was well received.

I was one of the primary testers for the Earthlight: Demo due to me being the person in the office most prone to simulation sickness, because of this I was responsible for suggesting and helping to tweak the gameplay of the demo to be more tollerable for sensitive people. To my immense happiness when running the demo at GDC (and later at other events) nobody reported feeling sick while playing from motion (although several people did report experiencing an uncomfortable feeling of vertigo from spotting the earth below).

This project sparked my interest in VR and my committment to learning more about rendering techniques and the troubles facing VR development. Due to this I was brought on to help fix introduced performance issues when the demo was touched up to run in future events.

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