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TRAPPIST-1 is a virtual tour of the TRAPPIST-1 system from the safety of a shuttle. Listen to facts on each planet as you look out over accurate artists' recreations of each planet in the trappist system.

In 2018 TRAPPIST-1 was identified as possibly having a planet capable of sustaining life (existing within the habitable zone). Based on our previous work with Nasa on Earthlight we developed an interactive exploration of the Trappist system in a modified version of NASA's iconic space shuttle.

The TRAPPIST-1 VR experience was developed by a small team in which I was the only gameplay programmer. I programmed the VR interactions, landing and takeoff and shuttle animations. Also during my time on the project I developed a spline tool for developing and previewing the takeoff and landing patterns of other shuttles on the various planets to give them a bit more life.

Project Gallery

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