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Vision Impairment Experience

While trying to perform a simple task, experience the difficulties caused by visual impairment and how important creating a supportive environment is.

The Vision Impairment Experience was designed alongside Vision Australia as a means of showing people how poor vision affects the day to day life of millions of Australians, and changes that can be made around the house to help mitigate some of those issues.

The experience features a number of togglable effects that mimic different vision conditions that a person may experience. It works particuarly well in VR because these effects can be applied to one eye or both eyes and due to the proximity to the face offer a similar experience to the actual effect, unlike looking at illustrations of the effect. The experience asks the user to perform a simple task, while a controller at the computer can toggle various visual effects as well as toggle between a supportive room and a troublesome room layout to allow users to feel the difference that support can make.

I was responsible for implementing the task gameplay in the project as well as the UI for the task (which was displayed in-world on a tv).

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